Plants That Repel Mosquitoes



 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


Most plants that deter insects perform so by emitting lovely odors into your garden while deterring pesky mosquitoes with their natural scents. Grow some of these plants to help naturally repel mosquitoes if you don't want to cover yourself or your garden with chemical bug sprays. Place these plants near dining areas or doorways where visitors will be there frequently.


More than nearly every other living thing, mosquitoes may make it challenging for us to enjoy being outdoors. Consider planting garden plants that naturally repel mosquitoes due to the aroma of their natural oils if chemical repellents aren't your thing. The citronella plant Pelargonium x citrosum, which was disproven as a mosquito repellent by a Florida A&M study1, is one plant you won't find on this list.


It's not enough to just grow these plants that repel mosquitoes to keep bugs away. By releasing their essential oils, you need to strengthen the plants' ability to resist insects. Grill some plant cuttings (particularly pertinent if the plants are known for their culinary worth). Cut the plant stems and leaves into little pieces, then distribute them over your lawn and in the vicinity of your outdoor living spaces. Simply place some plant stems in locations where people walk to release mosquito-repelling oils with each step if you're short on time before heading outside.


Biting insects that feed on blood, like ticks and mosquitoes, find their prey by smelling or smelling the gases that warm-blooded animals release. The main attractants are sweat and the carbon dioxide produced by breathing. Strong-smelling garden plants can aid in disguising the aromas that these insects use to locate their prey, confusing the bugs and shielding us from attacks.


However, merely planting these kinds of plants in your environment and hoping that mosquitoes go away is rarely effective. Most of the time, you'll need a stronger version of the plant's aroma, which can be created by crushing or burning the leaves to release the aromatic essential oils.


American Beautyberry


    The Callicarpa americana's little white blooms aren't especially eye-catching, but the small shrub stands out in the environment thanks to its vivid red fruit clusters. The Lamiaceae family, which also comprises numerous mints, includes beautyberry plants. The beautyberry's leaves can be crushed to release aromatic oils that ward off insects, and the berries frequently persist well into the winter, luring and supporting songbirds and small mammals.




       Felix can be protected from mosquito bites by the same plants that irritate your cat. Take a stroll with the cat through the Nepeta bushes, often known as catmint, whose leaves your human guests can eat. To create an area where you may rest without being bit, scatter some clippings around the patio and pool. 'Walker's Low' cultivar, which tolerates dry soils and blooms from late spring to mid-summer, is a good choice.




    The natural oils in Cymbopogon citratus somehow manage to smell better than genuine lemons. Lemongrass is a common ingredient in the cuisine of various Asian civilizations, and its subtle scent gives some perfumes a citrusy undertone. Lemongrass is a delicate plant that won't survive a winter below zone 9, but it thrives in container culture and grows swiftly. For your upcoming event, coarsely slice the strappy leaves of this plant and scatter them around your deck for both mosquito-repelling and aromatic purposes.



    The smell of marigold plants is distinctive and can only be described as unpleasant. These annuals that deter mosquitoes are simple to raise from seed and look lovely in the blossoming vegetable garden. They may even deter other insect problems like nematodes. Pyrethrum, a compound found in many organic pesticides, is what gives marigolds their ability to repel insects.



    If you grow your own mint (Mentha spp.), you may make the ideal mint mojito and enjoy it outside without having to deal with pesky mosquitoes. There are more varieties of mint plants than you might think, and they all repel mosquitoes. Investigate the minute variations between peppermint and spearmint, or be amazed at how much the chocolate mint plant smells like a candy dish. In your quest to drive away mosquitoes, collect all mint varieties liberally as they spread like wildfire.




    The sweet, soapy scent of lavender permeates the foliage as well as the purple flower spikes, which lavender producers prize for their smell. It's a known truth that mosquitoes dislike this smell, and because lavender has a pleasant fragrance, you can put the plants on your skin to work as a natural mosquito repellent.




    Since insects avoid its pungent aroma, people have long employed rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, as a natural pest control method. In addition to seasoning your meats, rosemary-infused smoke from a barbecue is particularly excellent at driving mosquitoes away from an outdoor space. Rosemary prefers to dry out between waterings, although it does require full sun to prevent needle drop.


    Lantana Camara


    A paper about the effectiveness of lantana (Lantana camara) flower petals in repelling mosquitoes was published in a scholarly journal. In coconut oil, "lantana flower extract provided 94.5 percent protection from Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti" mosquitoes, according to the publication of the American Mosquito Control Association (yes, there is such a publication).2 In fact, the study discovered that this oil concoction offered consumers an average of two hours of mosquito protection. What a bonus that lantana flowers, which grow well in warm, sunny climates and draw butterflies, are so simple to grow.



    In favor of more compact plants, fennel plants (Foeniculum vulgare) are sometimes excluded from herb gardens, although they have a variety of other applications as well. The feathery plants are just as beautiful as any tall garden grass, and the cut leaves taste well in salads and stews. In addition, swallowtail butterfly caterpillars live on the leaves in the garden. The particularly gorgeous bronze fennel will self-seed and grow into a wonderful colony for the next season.





    The eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus cinerea), a native of Australia, can grow up to 60 feet tall in a few years. Many gardeners find that growing eucalyptus in a pot is a preferable option because it is a delicate plant that won't withstand a strong winter. Select a species that grows quickly for short-term potting, such as E. globulus subsp. bicostata, which will provide you with plenty of fragrant leaves to harvest for mosquito-repelling purposes. Choose a eucalyptus with slow growth, such as E. vernicosa, if you want a plant that will endure in a container for a number of years. Eucalyptus plants prefer good soil and abundant sunlight.




    Both mosquitoes and humans find the basil plant's rapidly expanding leaves repulsive, which is why we use them in our pestos and salads. The extra-spicy Thai basil, with its narrow leaf and cinnamon-scented aroma, has the best potential to ward off the insects of all the basil varieties when it comes to repelling mosquitoes. All varieties of basil require full sunlight and warm growing conditions, which makes them excellent tomato companion plants.




    The list of savoury plants that deter mosquitoes continues with thyme. Plant thyme in the garden between stepping stones so that when you walk on it, the crushed leaves will emit oils that repel mosquitoes.


    Scented Geranium


    Garden geraniums (pelargoniums) with strong scents come in a wide variety known as scented geraniums. Mosquitoes and other insects are notoriously best repelled by those having a lemon aroma. In warmer climates, scented geraniums are perennial, however they are typically planted as annuals. They are especially popular when grown in pots.


    Bee Balm


    You might be surprised to learn that this perennial plant, which is well known for luring pollinating insects like bees and butterflies, has the opposite impact on mosquitoes and other bothersome insects. But with bee balm (Monarda spp. ), such is the case. Crush a few leaves to release the fragrant oils for the greatest benefits.


    (Floss Flower) Ageratum


    Ageratum, sometimes referred to as floss flower, has coumarin, a substance that can deter mosquitoes just by growing in the yard. Ageratum plants in pots placed on your deck or around a patio will help deter mosquitoes. However, as the plant is poisonous due to the same chemical, you should exercise caution if your pets enjoy chewing on plants. Ageratum was formerly mostly used as low-growing bedding plants, but nowadays there are varieties like 'Blue Horizon' that reach heights of 2 feet or higher, offering you more possibilities for using them in your gardening.   


    Salvia officinalis, or sage


    Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a perennial herb with a growth pattern resembling a semi-shrub. Mosquitoes stay away from it because of its unpleasant but strong stench. A fire pit filled with leaves will keep insects at bay for several hours. Garden plants have a tendency to get woody and sparse over time; to avoid this, divide the plants every few years.




Allium, also known as attractive onions, are perennial bulbs with a scent resembling that of chives, garlic, and table onions, all of which are related to one other and belong to the same family. Allium plants give an exotic appeal with their distinctive, globe-shaped flower clusters, which also deter mosquitoes and other pests. However, these plants have a low level of toxicity, so if you have dogs that enjoy chewing on plants, be cautious. Selected few plants, including allium, deter mosquitoes just by being present in the garden.




    Garlic is an other plant from the Allium family that functions similarly to decorative allium in repelling mosquitoes just by growing in the yard. Make sure your pets don't chew on the leaves, blooms, or bulbs of garlic because they are poisonous to them, just like other allium family members.


    (Mentha pulegium) Pennyroyal


    Spreading ground cover plant pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) is related to spearmint. This species is frequently referred to as mosquito plant because of its odor, which is similar to that of that plant but so repulsive to insects. Although it is not a very beautiful garden specimen, it provides for an effective ground cover that requires little maintenance and repels insects when touched. One of the best plants for repelling insects, but keep it away from areas where pets might chew it because the oils are toxic.


More Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away


In order to prevent mosquito populations from out of control, you need also grow the plants mentioned above in your garden. The best thing you can do is prevent water from collecting and becoming stagnant because even a small amount of standing water can support hundreds of mosquito eggs. Mosquito rings can be applied almost anywhere there is standing water, including in birdbaths, water gardens, ponds, rain barrels, and even animal drinking cans. They contain Bt israelensis, a naturally occurring bacteria that kills mosquito larvae.


Other organic products are also readily accessible that might help in keeping mosquitoes away from your garden. Along with candles and torches that emit citronella, these include essential oils made from the plants mentioned above.

The Importance of Mosquito Control


Mosquitoes have been known to spread a variety of diseases over the years, including the West Nile and Zika viruses as well as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, and dengue. Even mosquitoes are to blame for canine heartworm. For your family and pets' health, it is therefore more than just a nuisance or an itchy bite.

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