Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds




Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

A pumpkin seed, also known in North America as a pepita (from the Mexican Spanish: pepita de calabaza, "little seed of squash"), is the edible seed of a pumpkin or certain other kinds of squash, also known as a pepita in North America (from the Mexican Spanish: pepita de calabaza, "small seed of squash"). The seeds are usually flat and asymmetrically oval, covered in a white husk that can be peeled off to reveal a light green interior. Some pumpkin cultivars are grown solely for their edible seed and lack the husk. The seeds are nutrient- and calorie-rich, with a high concentration of protein, dietary fiber, and various micronutrients. They also contain plenty of fat, particularly linoleic and oleic acids. The term "pumpkin seed" can refer to the finished, roasted product that is eaten as a snack and can also refer to the whole, unhulled seed.


Nutritional benefits of pumpkin seeds

A 30g serving contains approximately:


• 170 kcal / 704KJ

• 7.3g Protein

• 13.7g Fat

• 2.1g Fibre

• 81mg Magnesium

• 246mg Potassium

• 1.98mg Zinc

• 3.0mg Iron



Pumpkin seeds constitute a kitchen essential due to their many advantages. They offer both taste and texture and are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, healthy fats, and fiber. They can be added to cereal, sprinkled on salads, or roasted and eaten whole.


Despite their diminutive size, pumpkin seeds contain a powerful punch of omega-3, phosphorus, and manganese. As a result, these tiny seeds can promote heart health, lower inflammation, and control blood sugar levels.


Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds


 Support heart health

Pumpkin seeds have great heart benefits. They are a good source of both monounsaturated fats like oleic acid, which decreases 'bad' LDL-cholesterol and raises 'good' HDL-cholesterol in the blood, as well as polyunsaturated fats like ALA, which protect against heart disease and lowers the chance of arterial hardening. According to Traylen, pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium and may therefore assist control blood pressure.

Pumpkin seeds have glutamate, which turns into the relaxing neurochemical GABA and improves mood.

Full of vitamins and minerals

A serving of 30 grams of pumpkin seeds provides between 35 and 40 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDA) for phosphorus and manganese. Quite remarkable for a seed! Furthermore, they contain significant amounts of vitamin K, potassium, iron, zinc, and copper. According to Research studies,"pumpkin seeds have many health benefits due to their high nutrient content and can be included as part of a healthy balanced diet."



A source of omega-3 fatty acids

You need to consume omega-3 fatty acids from your diet since they are a class of polyunsaturated fats that your body cannot produce. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of fatty acid often found in plant foods, is present in modest amounts in pumpkin seeds. According to Hope, the body transforms ALA into the active form of omega-3, which is necessary for maintaining cell integrity, reducing inflammation, and promoting cell communication by causing the synthesis of eicosanoids.

Pumpkin seeds are excellent providers In relation to phosphorus and manganese, one 30g serving provides 40% of your RDA.


 Rich in fibre

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent choice to help you meet your recommended daily 30g objective because they include 5g of fiber every 30g serving. According to Hope, fiber is essential for ensuring regular bowel movements and feeding the gut microbes to ensure a healthy gut profile. In addition to controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels, a high-fibre diet will cut your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer by up to 24%.

You are able to accomplish your suggested daily fiber goal by eating pumpkin seeds.


 Full of antioxidants

Pumpkin seeds could be helpful in the battle against inflammation and delay the onset of aging. Carotenoids and vitamin E, two powerful antioxidants, are rich in pumpkin seeds. In actuality, one 30g serving provides almost 70% of your daily vitamin E needs. Antioxidants aid in defending the body's cells against the harm done by too many free radicals, dangerous molecules thought to be the cause of chronic illnesses including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.



 Improve your sleep

Having trouble falling asleep? Take into account using pumpkin seeds in your diet for restful sleep. According to Hope, they contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is necessary for the process of conversion of the feel-good hormone serotonin into the sleep hormone melatonin. "Melatonin production is crucial for promoting the best possible sleep,"


 Reduce risk of certain cancers

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that food and lifestyle changes alone can prevent 30 to 50% of all malignant tumors. Pumpkin seed extract has been demonstrated in test tube tests to stop the growth of breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer cells. Additionally, significant observational research found that postmenopausal women who consumed pumpkin seeds had a considerably lower chance of developing breast cancer. But according to Hope, "far more research is needed before this can be concluded as a protective mechanism."


 A potent magnesium source

One of the greatest natural sources of magnesium is pumpkin seeds, which provide about one-fifth of your RDA in every 30g handful. Magnesium deficiency is the most prevalent mineral deficiency in the UK population, along with zinc. It is detrimental to our health, thus this is bad news. Magnesium plays a number of tasks, including supporting heart and immunological function, muscle and nerve contractions and relaxation, metabolism, and energy production


 Regulate blood sugar levels

It's important to maintain appropriate blood sugar levels because doing so lowers your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. According to Hope, the chemicals trigonelline and nicotinic acid contained in pumpkin seeds may assist in controlling blood sugar levels. Additionally, the seeds have a low glycemic index. This implies that they release energy gradually over time, aiding in the maintenance of steady blood sugar levels, explains Traylen.


 Support male fertility

Low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality, and a higher risk of male infertility are all related to zinc deficiency. Every 30g serving of pumpkin seeds has 20% of your RDA for zinc, making them a great source of the mineral. They are also rich in antioxidants and other minerals, such vitamin E and vitamin B9, that support male fertility.


 A portable snack

Pumpkin seeds are the best portable snack. You don't need a lot of them to reap their multiple health benefits because they are nutrient-dense, according to Traylen. Pumpkin seeds may be purchased in large quantities, which makes them quite affordable and allows you to store them for a long time, according to her. You can eat the seeds straight as a snack or mix them into homemade energy balls, snack bars, or salad dressing. For a deeper flavor, I also advise toasting your pumpkin seeds.


 Ward off depression

Your mood can be greatly impacted by the ingredients in food, both positively and negatively. Pumpkin seeds were found to have'significant antidepressive potential' in one study when used on depressed mice. High amounts of tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5HTP, which aid in the body's manufacture of serotonin, the "happy hormone," are probably to blame for this. Additionally, glutamate found in pumpkin seeds produces the relaxing neurochemical gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which reduces anxiety and improves mood



Most people generally consider pumpkin seeds to be safe, with rare instances of allergy. But before introducing seeds into your diet, always see your doctor if you have allergies to seeds.


Sources; › wiki › Pumpkin_seed


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