Natural methods of treatment for Kidney Stones


Natural methods of treatment for Kidney Stones


Nephrolithiasis, or kidney stone disease, is a crystallopathy in which a solid piece of material (a kidney stone) forms in the urinary tract. Typically, kidney stones develop in the kidney and pass through the body through the urine. Small stones may travel through the body unnoticed.


Keeping hydrated can help in the speedier passage of kidney stones. Kidney stones may be simpler to pass if certain chemicals, such as apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, are used to dissolve them.


Staying hydrated is essential.

A critical component in passing kidney stones and avoiding the formation of new stones is drinking plenty of fluids. The fluid not only helps transport stones and grit through your urinary tract, but it also flushes away pollutants.

Although water by itself might be sufficient to accomplish the task, adding specific ingredients might be advantageous.


Before beginning any of the below-listed home cures, see a doctor. They can determine whether these tactics are appropriate for you or if they can have further negative consequences.

After drinking any flavored medications, make sure to immediately take on one 8-ounce glass of water. This can facilitate the substances passing more easily through your body.

Do not use any remedies if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Whether a juice may have negative effects on you or your child can be determined by a doctor.

Natural methods of treatment for Kidney Stones


1. Water

Increasing your water intake can speed up the process of passing a stone. Instead of the usual 8, aim for 12 glasses of water daily.

You should continue to consume 8 to 12 glasses of water per day after the stone has passed. The last thing you want is for more kidney stones to form because dehydration is one of the major risk factors for kidney stones.

Keep an eye on the color of your urine. It ought to be a very delicate, light yellow. Dehydration can be identified by dark yellow urine.


2. Lemon juice

You can squeeze as many lemons into your water as you desire. Citrate, a molecule that stops calcium stones from forming, is found in lemons. Small stones can also be broken up by citrate, making passage through more straightforward.

Some lemon juice might assist a little, but a lot would probably be required to have a significant impact.

Lemon juice also provides a lot of other health advantages. For instance, it offers vitamin C and aids in preventing the formation of bacteria.


3. Basil extract

The herb basil is nutrient-rich. Traditional practitioners have utilized this treatment to treat inflammatory and intestinal issues.

Basil juice has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may help to maintain kidney health. However, the evidence for this treatment is scant.

Make a tea with fresh or dried basil leaves and drink several cups throughout the day to give it a try. Additionally, you can use fresh basil into a smoothie or juice it.

It is unknown whether basil juice in larger doses or for longer periods of time is safe. The long-term implications are still not clear without additional investigation.

Basil has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, but there isn't much data on how beneficial it is treating kidney stones.


4. Apple cider vinegar

Acetic acid is a component of apple cider vinegar. Acetic acid aids in kidney stone dissolution.

Apple cider vinegar may help reduce kidney stone discomfort in addition to cleaning the kidneys.

According to a lab study, apple cider vinegar can effectively prevent kidney stones from forming. To determine whether vinegar has the same impact on kidney stones inside the human body, more research is required.

To use this cure, mix 6 to 8 ounces of water with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

This cocktail shouldn't be consumed in excess of one 8-ounce glass per day. You may also add apple cider vinegar to your preferred salad dressing or sprinkle it on top of salads.

Apple cider vinegar can harm tooth enamel, produce acid reflux, and lead to sore throats if consumed in high quantities.

Drinking this concoction should be done with caution if you have diabetes. Keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels all day.

If you use certain medications, such as insulin or diuretics like spironolactone (Aldactone), you shouldn't consume this mixture.


5. Celery juice

Some conventional treatments use celery as a treatment for kidney stones.

According to one study, women with kidney stones consumed less celery on average than women without kidney stones.

A 2019 rat study also shown that celery extract was effective in reducing kidney stones.

Drink the juice made by blending one or more celery stalks with water.

Celery extract has the potential to interact unfavorably with various drugs or treatments, just like other plant extracts can. It's best to consult a doctor before attempting any new treatments.


6. Pomegranate juice

Since ancient times, pomegranate juice has been utilized to enhance kidney function in general. It will remove toxins and stones from your body. It contains a lot of antioxidants, which support kidney health and might play a part in preventing kidney stones from forming.

Additionally, it lessens the acidity of your urine. Future kidney stones are less likely if your blood acidity is lower.

A 2014 animal study suggests that there may be some advantage to consuming pomegranate extract, but more research is required to determine the impact of pomegranate juice on kidney stone prevention. It decreased the chance of stones in the research.

It's unclear how much pomegranate juice you can safely consume throughout the day, but for most people, one or two servings per day is probably reasonable.

Pomegranate juice and several drugs intended to decrease cholesterol may interfere, according to the American Stroke Association. Before consuming pomegranate juice, consult your doctor if you're currently taking any medications.


7. Kidney bean broth

An Indian traditional dish that is frequently utilized is the broth made from boiled kidney beans. Although some people assert that it can enhance kidney and urination health, there is little data to support this claim. Simply drain the liquid from cooked beans and consume it many times day to give it a try.


Other natural remedies

The following home remedies may contain ingredients that are not in your kitchen. You should be able to buy them from your local health food store or market.

8. Dandelion

Digestive aids have long been made from dandelion plants. The plant's many components are supposed to aid in digestion, enhance urine production, and aid in waste elimination. Vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals like potassium, iron, and zinc, are present in dandelions.

Dandelion is beneficial at preventing kidney stone formation, according to a lab research. However, these findings are based on lab samples, and there is little proof that dandelion acts similarly when taken by humans. To determine whether it's a secure and efficient treatment, human studies are required.

The plant's leaves can be used to make fresh dandelion juice, or the roots can be purchased as a tea or extract.

If you make it fresh, you may also add orange peel, ginger, and apple to taste.

Although most individuals can probably tolerate small amounts of dandelion, it is unknown whether consuming dandelion products in big quantities is safe. Dandelion allergies can occur in certain people, particularly if you also have ragweed, marigold, chrysanthemum, or daisy allergies.

Dandelion may be dangerous in high amounts for those with specific medical conditions, including:


Heart problems

Blood pressure levels, high or low

Diseases of the liver or kidneys

Diabetes swelling

Before using dandelion root extract, consult a physician because it may interfere with certain drugs. In general, dandelion is not advised if you are using diuretics.


9. Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass has long been used to improve health because it is rich in numerous nutrients. To aid in the passage of the stones, wheatgrass enhances urine flow. Additionally, it has essential nutrients that support kidney cleansing.

Every day, you can consume 2 to 8 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Start with the least quantity possible and increase to 8 ounces gradually to avoid adverse effects.

You can follow the directions on wheatgrass supplement powder if fresh wheatgrass juice is not readily accessible.

Wheatgrass can help you feel less queasy if you take it on an empty stomach. It may occasionally result in lack of appetite and constipation.

 10. Horsetail

Horsetail can enhance urine flow by acting as a diuretic. It possesses antibacterial and antioxidant qualities that might benefit urinary health in general. It might even lessen inflammation. Together, these actions may facilitate kidney stone removal from your body.

People with severe heart or kidney issues shouldn't take horsetail, according to the European Medicines Agency. Horsetail use may result in digestive adverse effects, and allergies have also been noted.

Children, pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, and those who are chest-feeding are not advised to consume horsetail.


When to visit a doctor

Consult a physician if you are unable to pass your stone within six weeks or if you start to have any of the following serious symptoms:


Extreme pain

Urine with blood in it, fever, and chills

Nausea vomiting

If you require any type of therapy or medicine to assist you pass the stone, your doctor will decide.



Passing a kidney stone on your own is doable, despite the discomfort.

OTC painkillers are available for purchase if you need to get some relief from discomfort. These include ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Don't consume alcohol and stick to a doctor's recommendations until the stone goes.

After passing a kidney stone, you might want to save it for a doctor's examination. You must strain your pee in order to keep the stone.

Utilizing a urine test, which you can obtain at the doctor's office, you can accomplish this. A physician can identify the type of stone and assist in creating a focused preventative strategy.

Consult your doctor about any lifestyle modifications you might make to assist avoid the formation of more stones. Before using vitamins, herbs, or home treatments, always consult your doctor.




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