Health Benefits of Oranges



  Health Benefits of Oranges

The amazing health benefits of oranges include eye and vision protection, improved se*ual performance, constipation prevention, immune system support, mood enhancement, dental health promotion, blood pressure regulation, improved skin appearance, cancer cell prevention, improved digestion, and heart protection.


What are Oranges?

No matter where you go in the world, oranges are very common. In fact, it is the most popular citrus fruit due to its juicy flavor, high vitamin content, and health-promoting ingredients.

It is widely used in aromatherapy, can be made in juices and more, making it a versatile fruit. Oranges (known scientifically as Citrus Sinensis fruit) belong to the Rutaceae family and is found growing primarily in tropical climates.


Nutrition Info of Oranges (per 100g)

Calories- 47

Total Carbohydrate -11.75g

Dietary Fiber- 2.40g 6% RDI

Potassium- 169mg 3.5% RDI

Vitamin A – 7.5%RDI

Vitamin C- 90% RDI

Iron- 1% RDI

Calcium- 4% RDI


 Amazing Health Benefits of Oranges


1. Protects The Eyes And Improves Vision

Consuming vitamin A-rich meals can help to keep the eyes healthy. Citrus fruits like oranges are a good source of vitamin A, which works in conjunction with other bioflavonoid chemicals to protect the eyes from conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts, and even blindness from vision loss. Oranges may be helpful in boosting eyesight and preserving eye health for years if they are added to the diet since they can provide appropriate protection to the membranes lining the eyes.

2. Enhances Se*ual Performance

Oranges could have moderate aphrodisiac effects that could improve se*ual performance in both males and females. When used consistently, it might be able to stop se*ual issues like premature ejaculation and low libido from interfering with your se* life. Oranges may also improve erection strength, se* drive, and hormone secretion, all of which contribute to enhancing se* life.


3. Prevents Constipation

Constipation is characterized by difficulties passing stool as a result of irregular bowel movements or by the hardening of feces as a result of insufficient water intake. Oranges are useful for both preventing and treating constipation due to the fiber they contain. Water is also necessary to avoid constipation since it has a high water content and facilitates the regular and simple passage of stools.


4. Bolsters The Immune System

Vitamin, a vitamin that is believed to boost immune function, is present in oranges. Immune system antibodies and immune cells that must quickly identify and eliminate invasive infections may benefit from its assistance. Together with Vitamin C, the additional nutrients found in oranges aid to minimize the oxidative stress on cells.


5. Improves Mood

Oranges may help elevate mood and reduce depression especially when used aromatherapeutically. The warm Citrus scent of oranges help to relieve anxiety, and induce a sense of calming relaxation. The citrus aroma is also believed to contain specific flavonoids which can improve serotonin synthesis, improving mood when you are stressed. Oranges have been used historically as a relief for stress, as it is believed that they help to reduce cortisol levels in the body, confirmed by their ability to enhance sexual function (which is indicative of healthy testosterone levels).


6. Promotes Dental Health

Maintenance of the teeth and the gums should be a top priority when it comes to taking care of the mouth, as infectious agents can attack the gum and gain easy entry into the blood supply. Citrus fruits like Orange help promote healthy gums by strengthening the blood vessels and tissues that hold the gums and teeth, and also uses Vitamin C to reduce gum inflammation. The disease scurvy, characterized by bleeding gums and poor healing of wounds, is aggravated by diminished collagen production, caused by vitamin c deficiency.


7. Regulates Blood Pressure

Oranges are a great fruit for helping to regulate blood pressure, as they contain the mineral potassium which dilates blood vessels, along with the bio-flavonoids which improve flexibility of the vessels. Potassium has a regulatory effect on water balance, helping to offset water retention caused by sodium. Oranges help to enhance kidney function as well, a potassium ions ensure that residue does not remain in the kidneys, and cause kidney stones. The kidneys also play a role in blood pressure regulation.


8. Improves Skin Appearance

It is now well established that oranges have a stimulatory action on collagen production, making it an ideal food for your beauty needs. Oranges can also help minimize acne scars, as new skin cells help to reduce the appearance of old scars and blemishes. Coupled with Vitamin A, which has a UV reflecting action, your skin health can be maintained for many more years.


9. Prevents Cancerous Cell Growth

Cancer typically occurs when cells in the body divide abnormally, bypassing mechanisms to program their death. These rapidly dividing cells destroy other cells and organs in the body, often by reprograming these cells to also grow uncontrollably. Oranges may be a natural way to prevent cancer since they contain certain phytochemicals that can fight the spread of cancer, especially on the skin, and of the colon and stomach. Prevention of cancer using oranges is far cheaper and safer than having to rely on treatment after the fact.


10. Promotes Digestion Of Food

Problems with the digestive system are often associated with increased acidity in the stomach as well as disorders affecting the intestines. Oranges help improve the functions of the digestive system by stimulating the secretion of the digestive juices and lowering the acidity of the stomach so that digestion is promoted, and gastritis is avoided.


11. Protects The Heart

When blood flow is prevented due to the presence of excessive cholesterol and fatty acids, nutrients and oxygen-rich blood do not reach vital organs and tissues and this could give rise to serious health complications. The regular consumption of oranges may provide protection for the heart by assisting the body to lower the level of cholesterol. They are able to this because they have a high level of soluble fiber, which promotes fat removal from blood.


12. Promotes Healthy Hair

Loss of hair can be prevented by eating oranges. It contains constituents that help promote free flow of blood to the scalp and is effective in maintaining hair volume so common hair problems like hair thinning and hair loss are prevented. The peel of the Orange fruit may also be effective in controlling dandruff as well, and thanks to its collagen promoting properties the result in lustrous well-kept hair.


13. Helps Manage Asthma


When it was found that oranges helps to alleviate asthma symptoms, which is now known to be because of the presence of citrus bio-flavonoids, it was revolutionary. These substances lessen mast cells' sensitivity to histamine, which usually sets off an asthma attack. Orange eating has been linked to a reduction in the frequency of these attacks, and in some people with asthma attacks may even be completely eliminated.



The flexibility and exceptional health advantages of the orange fruit are widely known. Orange juice is a strong source of vitamins that are good for your health and may be both reviving and nourishing. Fresh Oranges are more preferable to consuming processed orange juice, which is often filled with artificial preservatives and sugar, and may be acquired from nearby fruit markets.


Thank you for reading our Health tips.

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