Health Benefits of Honey
Health Benefits of Honey
Honey health benefits includes controlling cholesterol
level, managing diabetes, treating gastric problems, fighting infections,
boosting energy, preventing nausea, promoting weight loss, promoting restful
sleep, fighting asthma, removing dandruff, and enhancing skin health.
Honey isn’t just delicious and sweet in taste, but nature
has packed it with countless health benefits. You won’t believe that a
substance that works fine as a sweetener and can treat a number health problems
including, cold and cough, weight loss and even cardiovascular health.
What is Honey?
Humans found honey about 8,000 years ago and haven’t stopped
using it since then. It was widely utilized in Greece and Egypt. And later it
became a mandatory component for Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine.
This miraculous substance possesses healing properties that makes it a natural
healer. It is a secret ingredient for countless home remedies as well. You can
consume or mix honey with other spices, herbs, and water to get the most of it.
Nutritional Value of Honey
Sodium 6 mg
Protein 15 mg
Carbohydrates 17g
Cholesterol 0
Fat 0
Pantothenic Acid
05 mg
Riboflavin 06mg
Vitamin C 1mg
Zinc 03 mg
Iron 05mg
Potassium 0
Calcium 0 mg
0 mg
Water 6 g
Fructose 1 g
Maltose 5g
5 g
Honey health benefits
1. Honey controls Cholesterol
High cholesterol is a serious health issue that needs to be
addressed properly and quickly. Many studies have proved that honey is a
healthy source to control high cholesterol levels. A study has even mentioned
that consuming 70g of honey regularly for 30 days can reduce these levels by
3%. Surprisingly, with the help of the honey, you can increase good cholesterol
2. Honey for Diabetics
Despite having a sweet flavor, honey is healthy for
diabetics and doesn't raise blood sugar levels. It is also said to preserve
fasting C-peptide, a substance that stabilizes insulin, and lower fasting serum
glucose. It might be a better option for your health than artificial
sweeteners. By adding honey to their tea or porridge, diabetics can now enjoy
it. It is nevertheless advisable to speak with your doctor before eating
anything, even though natural products typically don't have any side effects.
3. It Treats Gastric Problems
Gastric problems are common in children and adults alike.
Thanks to antimicrobial and antioxidant components found in the honey, you can
treat your stomach complications organically, once and for all. You consume it
raw or diluted in warm water for better effects. It is a safe and quick way to
deal with gastric issues due to an additional antibacterial quality in it –
which is methylglyoxal. It fights germs and bad bacteria in your digestive
4. Honey for Infections
Bacteria are the main cause of various kinds of infections.
You can prevent your body from these infections just by incorporating it into
your daily diet. Being enriched with antibacterial properties, it works as a
shield against various kinds of infection preventing your body from further
5. It Boosts Energy
Since the sweet tasting honey is loaded with the
methylglyoxal compound, it is known to boost energy levels. This compound also
contributes to enhance your immune system stimulating the growth of cytokines,
which are found to organize immune your responses. Combined with antioxidants,
these properties keep your body active and super energized.
6. It Prevents Nausea
Nausea and consistent morning sickness will impede you from
sticking to your diet on a daily basis, making your weaker and weaker. However,
adding a bit of honey to your diet can change all this drastically. You can
treat this condition by adding lemon juice to raw honey. It not just relieves
nausea, but prevents vomiting as well. If lemon juice is too sour for you, you
can try this remedy with apple cider vinegar before going to bed.
7. Honey for Weight Loss
This golden colored substance is a mouthwatering way to lose
weight. You can even replace regular sugar intake with it for quick results.
Moreover, consuming a spoonful of honey with warm water can reduce your sugar
cravings, which will help you a lot during your weight loss journey. A recent
study noted the fact that natural sugars found in the honey act differently
than white sugar inside your body.
8. It Promotes Sleep
Sleeping 8 hours without any disruption is extremely
important for your well being. This is why; experts and dietitians suggest
getting plenty of sleep and rest to combat health problems. However, not
getting enough sleep can put your health at various risks. It is where consuming it comes into an
action. Eating a tablespoon of it before bedtime is recommended to insomniacs.
This way, their liver glycogen stays up because if they get empty, your liver
stops glucose formation, which is essential for producing energy. This process
is said to prevent you from falling asleep as you should.
9. Honey for Asthma
Isn’t it surprising to learn that it can relieve asthma as
well, which is a daunting health problem. It not just it treats troubling
coughs, but helps relieve the respiratory system by keeping all that wheezing
and troubled breathing at bay. Moreover, honey is known to soothe mucus
membranes found in the airways. Consuming a decent quantity of honey can also
impede mucus buildup in the bronchial tubes, which is known as a major asthma
10. It Removes Dandruff
Dandruff and an itchy scalp are quite annoying problems. Not
to mention they are embarrassing. You But thanks to the antibacterial
properties found in honey, you can get rid of the problems once and for all.
Using honey on hair is as safe as eating it. To treat dandruff and an unhealthy
scalp, all you need is to mix equal portions of raw honey and water. Massage
your scalp with it and apply on the locks as well. Leave it for an hour and
then rinse it off. You will notice a difference in fewer weeks.
11. Honey for Skin
There is only one way to get shiny, spotless and an even
skin and that is honey. Regular application of raw honey on the face can treat
various skin problems including acne – thanks to its antibacterial and
antiseptic properties once again. This sweet substance not just removes acne
scars, but stops their reoccurrence as well. If you are stressing over the
appearance of premature wrinkles and fine lines, start using it today to get
plenty of nutrients that your skin needs. Moreover, you don’t really need to
spend an extra amount on the whitening products once you have brought a honey
jar. It is known to enhance your complexion keeping it radiant and clear.
The health benefits of honey are endless. You can rarely
find any health problem that honey can’t treat. It is a safe source to get
plenty of energy and can become a healthy alternative to chemical filled energy
beverages. So, don’t wait and make it part of your daily life.
Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare
provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition,
procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication,
over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.