Natural Remedies for Asthma


 Natural Remedies for Asthma


Asthma is a long-term condition affecting children and adults. The air passages in the lungs become narrow due to inflammation and tightening of the muscles around the small airways. This causes asthma symptoms such as cough, wheeze, shortness of breath and chest tightness.

Some natural remedies may be able to ease your symptoms, reduce the amount of medication you need to take, and generally improve the quality of your life. These remedies work best when taken alongside your usual prescribed asthma medications.


Here are  some natural Remedies for Severe Asthma


1. Healthy Diet

Although there’s no specific diet for people with severe asthma, there are a few procedures you can take that may help with your symptoms.

Being overweight can often worsen severe asthma. It’s important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are good sources of antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, and they may help to reduce inflammation around your airways.

If you experience a flare-up in asthma symptoms after eating certain foods, try to avoid eating them. It’s likely that you have a food allergy that’s causing your symptoms to worsen. Talk to your doctor to confirm this.



2. Buteyko Breathing Technique

The Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT) is a system of breathing exercises. It may  help reduce your asthma symptoms through slow, gentle breathing.

BBT focuses on breathing out of your nose instead of your mouth. Breathing out of your mouth can dry out your airways and make them more sensitive.

Some people may experience less respiratory infections from using this technique. Others who practice BBT believe that it helps to raise your carbon dioxide levels. Still, there isn’t conclusive evidence to support this theory.



3. Papworth method

The Papworth method is a breathing and relaxation technique that has been used since the 1960s to help people with asthma. It involves using your nose and diaphragm to develop breathing patterns.



4. Garlic

Garlic has several health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, according to a 2013 study. Because asthma is an inflammatory disease, garlic may be able to help relieve your symptoms.

Still, there’s no conclusive evidence that garlic is effective against preventing asthma flare-ups.



5. Ginger

Ginger is another herb that contains anti-inflammatory properties and may help with severe asthma. A 2013 study showed that oral ginger supplements were linked to an improvement in asthma symptoms. But it didn’t confirm that ginger leads to an improvement in overall lung function.



6. Honey

Honey is mostly used in cold remedies to help soothe the throat and reduce coughing. You can mix honey with a hot beverage like herbal tea to provide relief for your symptoms.

Still, there’s limited scientific evidence that honey should be used as an alternative asthma treatment.



7. Omega-3 oils

Omega-3 oils, which can be found in fish and flax seeds, have been shown to have many health benefits. They may also work to decrease airway inflammation and improve lung function in people with severe asthma.

High doses of oral steroids, though, can block the beneficial effects of omega-3 oils. It’s a good idea to consult your doctor before upping your intake of omega-3.


8. Caffeine

Caffeine is a bronchodilator and can reduce respiratory muscle fatigue. A 2010 study showed that caffeine can be effective for people with asthma. It may be able to improve the function of airways for up to four hours after consumption.



9.Oils like Mustard Oil,Figs,ecucalyptus Oil, Red Onions Can Help

Onions are said to be loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds are often said to be beneficial for people who have asthma.



10. Yoga

Yoga incorporates stretching and breathing exercises to help boost flexibility and increase your overall fitness

The breathing techniques utilized in yoga may also help to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. However, there isn’t currently any conclusive evidence to prove this.



10. Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is used to make a person more relaxed and open to new ways to think, feel, and behave. Hypnotherapy may help facilitate muscle relaxation, which may help people with asthma cope with symptoms like chest tightness.



11. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a type of meditation that focuses on how the mind and the body are feeling in the present moment. It can be practiced almost anywhere. All that you need is a quiet place to sit down, close your eyes, and focus your attention on the thoughts, feelings, and sensations in your body.

Because of its stress-relieving benefits, mindfulness can help to complement your prescription medication and relieve stress-related asthma symptoms.


12. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine that involves placing small needles into specific points on the body. Long-term benefits of acupuncture have not yet been proven to be effective against asthma. Nonetheless, some people with asthma do find that acupuncture helps to improve airflow and manage symptoms like chest pain.



13. Speleotherapy

Speleotherapy involves spending time in a salt room to introduce tiny particles of salt into the respiratory system. There is currently no scientific evidence to prove that speleotherapy is an effective form of treatment against asthma, but one study did show that it had a beneficial effect on short-term lung function.



14. Teas for Asthma Relief

Tea for asthma – the perfect natural remedy for  breathing problems. That’s because it helps  manage both  stress and  asthma symptoms at the same time.

The best tea for asthma is a combination of Breathe Easy Tea and Throat Coat Tea. These amazing teas help soothe your throat and encourage your airways to open up.

Especially if you’re having a persistent asthma attack,  chugging back some tea may not save you.

Regularly adding these teas to  daily routines helps  cut phlegm, clear  sinuses, soothe my throat, and relax. What Tea I Drink For Asthma:

Breathe Easy with Breathe Easy Tea for Asthma

Breathe Easy Tea is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine, including licorice root, peppermint and eucalyptus, meant to help ‘relieve chest complaints.’

Soothe Sore Throats with Organic Throat Coat Tea

Organic Throat Coat Tea is made with marshmallow root, and ‘marshmallow’ .

 Ginger Tea Bandwagon

Ginger has been making quite a stir in the asthma community lately, since studies have shown it can enhance the effect of asthma medications.

This organic ginger lemon green tea is also good, just be careful not to oversteep.

CBD Infused Tea

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a proven anti-inflammatory. It has many great side effects, and it’s not psychoactive, so it won’t get you ‘high.’

Fight Inflammation with Oregano Tea

Studies also show that oregano is anti-inflammatory (among a host of other great benefits, like being antibacterial and a potent antioxidant.

Organic Spearmint Leaf Tea

Spearmint Tea is not only cool and refreshing, but incredibly versatile. Enjoy it on its own, or mix it with some of your favorite teas for an exciting new taste sensation.

Organic Holy Basil Tea

Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is possibly one of the most beneficial herbs available for human consumption.

Oregano Tea This ancient herb, so vital to Mediterranean cuisine, has a rich history, but it also boasts a grand reputation as one of the most medicinally useful plants on earth. Our Oregano Tea boasts an aroma and taste sensation you won’t want to miss!

Organic Cold Weather Karma

Enjoy the fruity, tangy taste of one of our best signature blends with Cold Weather Karma, perfect for a chilly day.

Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea

Traditionally known as the mushroom of kings, the reishi mushroom makes a distinct, and benefits-rich tea.

Marshmallow Leaf Tea

Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is possibly one of the most beneficial herbs available for human consumption.

Mullein Leaf Tea

About 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanist, and author Dioscorides was the first to recommend using the mullein plant when seeking healing from pulmonary diseases

Organic Anice Seed Tea

Anise seeds have been cultivated since ancient Egypt, and they’ve since been incorporated into cooking and healing for a variety of purposes. Anise Seed Tea is a delicate, delightful brew with a slightly sweet, yet distinctive flavor.

Yellow Dock Root Tea

An uncommon herbal tea mainly used by alternative health care practitioners, yellow dock root boasts a variety of health benefits, most notably detoxification.

Linden Flowers Tea

Linden tea is made from linden flowers, and produces a tea that is light and fragrant, easy to enjoy at any time of the day.

Licorice Root Tea

Licorice is one of the most popular flavors in candy and beverages around the world. Unadulterated Buddha Teas Licorice Root Tea does not disappoint. ()Browse All Premium Tea Blends.

We should be drinking more water to treat our asthma (and stay healthy in general), and sitting down to drink tea is a relaxing and enjoyable way to do that.

Premium Loose Teas

These teas are very high quality and packed with an enormous amount of nutrients. These teas come directly from Asia (the origin of tea) and require a tea steeper to prepare

Bi Tan Piao Xue Jasmine Green Tea

Bi Tan Piao Xue is selected from the jasmine flowers of Hengxian County of Guanxi and the green tea from Mt. Mengding of Ya’an. The tea leaves fully absorb the jasmine fragrance, which makes the tea sweet and the jasmine aroma fresh and powerful.

Premium Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green Tea

Dragon Well green tea, or “Long Jing”, is one of China’s top ten teas. This Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing Green Tea is made in the city of Hangzhou. It’s a delicate tea with a great taste and lots of health benefits.

Premium Dragon Well Long Jing Green Tea

Longjing tea, sometimes called by its literal translated name Dragon Well tea, is a variety of pan-roasted green tea from the area of Longjing Village in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

 Tea alone isn’t going to cure your asthma. It’s not a replacement for medicine, or for medical treatment.




Some of these natural remedies may be able to help reduce asthma symptoms. But you should still adhere to the medications your doctor prescribes. Additionally, many of these have limited or no evidence that they work for asthma.

Check with your doctor before trying out a new complementary therapy. If you start to notice any new side effects, stop taking or using it right away.

Asthma is a serious chronic health condition that affects millions of people in the U.S. While there is no cure, people can manage it with consistent medical care.

Several home remedies and lifestyle changes can help people manage the condition when practiced alongside their prescribed treatment plan.

These remedies include regular breathing and stress-reduction exercises, as well as lifestyle changes to avoid triggers.

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